Search Results: "Genetic diseases"

Species Entry


Rabbits are the reason our dogs and cats can live with us in our houses.  Louis Pasteur worked with rabbits to develop the first rabies vaccine which made it safe to bring pets into our homes.  Rabbits have a similar anatomy and physiology to humans, especially their cardiovascular system, and…

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Hamsters are important in many research areas, including cancer, reproduction, virology, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Hamsters and humans metabolize fats and sugars in similar ways, leading to susceptibility to atherosclerosis and diabetes. When fed high fat diets, hamsters’ LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) will elevate, as in humans, and lead…

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Animals in Research

Baboon Playground

These baboons are needed as a model for a variety of studies, including research focused on understanding the genetics of complex diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders. These two baboons are males socially housed in a baboon corral with other male baboons. They are seated on climbing structures…

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Baboons have long been important models of human diseases and for understanding physiology.  This is due to their many similarities to humans. Additionally, their physiological parameters can be measured with the same equipment used for humans.  Some key research areas involving baboons include neonatal lung disease, dental development, excess fat…

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Animals in Research

Mice in Vaccine Research

Mice are the most common species involved in vaccine research. Of course, a mouse is not a human, but researchers are very familiar with the mouse immune system, which allows them to study the strengths and weaknesses of infectious diseases in order  to develop effective immunization strategies. Thanks to mice,…

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