Search Results: "Liver cancer"

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Ovarian cancer is diagnosed in 225,000 women every year, accounting for 4% of all cancers. There are not many signs of early stages of cancer and it is often found only in its very late stages, when it is often fatal. Ovarian cancer spontaneously occurs very often in the chicken. Its…

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Pigeons, otherwise known as "Rock Doves,"  were once popular animal models in comparative psychology and have contributed to considerable research on pigeon neuroanatomy and neuroendocrinology. Today they are important for learning about the mechanisms in the brain related to memory and navigation. Researchers are exploring the ability of the common…

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Baboons have long been important models of human diseases and for understanding physiology.  This is due to their many similarities to humans. Additionally, their physiological parameters can be measured with the same equipment used for humans.  Some key research areas involving baboons include neonatal lung disease, dental development, excess fat…

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Animals in Research

Baboon Playground

These baboons are needed as a model for a variety of studies, including research focused on understanding the genetics of complex diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders. These two baboons are males socially housed in a baboon corral with other male baboons. They are seated on climbing structures…

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