Search Results: "Neural regeneration"

Animals in Research

Zebrafish and Spinal Cord Regeneration

Researchers recently discovered a clue to how zebrafish self-heal spinal cord injuries. Damaged cells secrete a special growth factor that is required for regeneration in these animals. Humans have a similar growth factor, but human spinal cords do not heal when severed.  Further investigation with zebrafish may lead to the…

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Species Entry


Rats have long been a valuable model in research to answer many questions about physiology, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, nutrition, behavior, and learning. They have contributed to medical advances for obesity, diabetes and cancer, as well as those for cardiovascular, neurological, inflammatory and immune mediated diseases.  

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Animals in Research

Marmosets and Marshmallows

All nonhuman primates in research are provided access to enhanced care, including social, behavioral and nutritional enrichment. They often receive fruit and vegetables in addition to their traditional chow diet, and many times, the animals will receive treats like marshmallows. Proper enrichment is critical to ensuring the animals are well…

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Featured Studies

Newly discovered brain network offers clues to social cognition

Scientists call our ability to understand another person’s thoughts—to intuit their desires, read their intentions, and predict their behavior—theory of mind. It’s an essential human trait, one that is crucial to effective social interaction. But where did it come from? Working with rhesus macaque monkeys, researchers in Winrich Freiwald’s Laboratory…

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Species Entry


Ferrets are important models for peptic ulcer disease, carotenoid metabolism, cystic fibrosis, and drug emesis screening due to some anatomical and physiological similarities with humans. They have also contributed to cardiovascular research, neural development and visual system studies, skeletal research, pediatric endotracheal intubation training, and the investigation of some types…

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Rhesus macaque

Rhesus macaque monkeys are an important animal model due to their anatomical and physiological similarities to humans. Many benefits to human health would not have been possible without these special animals, including the development of life-saving vaccines such as polio, smallpox, and rabies. Effective treatments for HIV/AIDS have been created because of research…

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Animals in Research

Monkey in imaging

Imaging technologies have greatly reduced the number of animals needed for research.  In the past, animals would have had to be euthanized in order to examine internal organs while today imaging allows visualization and study of what was previously not possible.  Here an anesthetized marmoset monkey is being prepared to…

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Animals in Research

Marmoset MRI

Researchers view a marmoset’s MRI as part of an aging study to explore links between energy metabolism and neural function.  Diseases related to aging are serious concerns for the world's rapidly expanding population of older adults.  Some of these include: Type 2 diabetes, many cancers, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, obesity, metabolic syndrome,…

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