Search Results: "Pancreatic cancer"

Animals in Research

Socially housed rabbits

These rabbits are housed in social groups (four members per run). Research facilities strive to house animals in areas which allow them to express their normal behaviors. In this case, these rabbits can jump, stand on their back feet, play with toys and interact socially. The run where they live…

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Animals in Research

Rabbits enjoying human interaction

These rabbits enjoy human interaction. When technicians come into the room, the rabbits move to the front of the pen to receive nose scratches and treats like yogurt balls and dried persimmons. The technicians also enjoy watching these rabbits demonstrate behaviors found in the wild, such as foraging, hopping around,…

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Animals in Research

Rabbits sharing a food bowl

Rabbits are social animals and live well in groups, especially if they are raised together as youngsters. The facility that houses these rabbits receives animals that were raised in pairs, so they are already socialized upon arrival. Even though these rabbits are provided with several bowls of food, they seem…

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